On 11/12/2013 10:19 AM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> If it's really bit packed you might get numerical values that require
> rather complex handling by the compiler:
> record tr
>     x1: int64: 2;
> Invalid because int64 is defined as -800000000000..7fffffffffffffff which does
> not fit in 2 bits.
That is not the idea. But:

r.x1= 0  => bits = 0, 0
r.x1= 1  => bits = 0, 1
r.x1= -1  => bits = 1,1
r.x1= -2  => bits = 1, 0

other values are truncated accordingly (see below)

On the contrary the base type needs to provide at least as many bits as 
given after the ":" (otherwise you could never define fields with less 
than 8 bits).

Do you intend to provide a syntax to define bit fields with more bits 
than any integer base type. This in fact would be intersting but would 
need you to provide an arbitrary precision integer arithmetic in the 
RTL. Doable but an "interesting" Task :-) .

The purpose (e.g. in C)  of providing a base type with the bit-number 
restricted field is that when doing calculations with such variables 
they are handled _as_if_ they had the base type (which is necessary 
because there is no "natural" type for them to determine the way 
calculations are to be executed)

Thus when x1 is used in a calculation, it needs to be (sign) extended to 
64 bit and the result of the operation has (at least) 64 significant 
bits, which need to be respected with the next operation done on tat 


b: byte;
r: tr;

r.x1 := -1;
b := x1>>16; (a 64 bit type var combined with a 8 bit type const forces 
64 bit arithmetic and result), storing a 64 bit value in an (unsigned) 8 
bit value drops the upper 56 bits.

results in $FF


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