Hallo Martin,

Du schriebst am Sat, 10 Jun 2017 06:54:15 +0200:

> I don't like "sub" much but found nothing better up to now. I think that 

"sub" seems to me to imply you're about to create a new BASIC variant.
Why not use "function" for all such things, if you don't like to
explicitely state that some won't return a value. Looks like C then,
but Delphi and fpc allow for discarding a return value already anyway.
The separate names of Wirth's Pascal _did_ have a reason, and that was to
discern between real functions, which ought to _only_ calculate something
and return the result of the calculation, like a mathematical function does,
and a multiply used sequence of commands that produce a "side effect",
something the programm doesn't really need internally, but that provides
"useful" information for its environment (e.g. the user).
Considering the implementation of "VAR" parameters, i.e. parameters that
can transport a value from within a procedure to its program surroundings,
this difference has been blurred quite a lot by careless use(ers).

> object methods deserve an own token "method" because of the implicit
> "self" parameter.

This _might_ be considered a valid argument, except that _any_ method
_must_ always be specified in conjunction with its containing object so
that there shouldn't be room for uncertainty. You might argue with "WITH"
here, but even that is strictly defined in Pascal as to imply the scope of
the referenced object as the outermost one, and therefore has to be used
in case of multiple candidates. Alternatively, you might consider to do
away with "WITH", as some even say they consider it harmful. You should
remember, though, that this may mean a lot more typing (all those
qualifiers that are otherwise implied).

> "self" parameter. Comming from a Pascal background "procedure" implies
> that there must be a "function" too but there is none in MSElang. Maybe

That's the case with Pascal, but even "some" Pascal dialects allow using
"function" for the purpose of both, rendering "procedure" virtually

> "proc" instead of "sub" and "meth" instead of "method" what do you think?

"Meth" might bring you some interesting new contacts that you might not
find desirable, being the name of a "designer drug".

> It has the advantage that procedure and method names are aligned. More 

That _might_ be a disadvantage at times, as it might make reading the
source text more difficult.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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