Hello Sieghard.

> here's a note pertaining to my attempts to find a "general" method to
> provide a means for localization of msegui applications.

It will be great to have a "automatic" caption-to-constant converter.
Maybe you could take a look at /mseide-msegui/tools/i18n/resourceparser.pas

Two years ago I jumped into the mse-i18n project.
Like you explained it works like a "kaliƩdoscope"  producing a library for each 
language (or face).
It is very good but, imho, has too much unneeded features if only 
internationalization is the goal.
Also it uses the "mseconst_xy.pas"  way and needs so to compile the language 
unit to create the lang-library.
And no po file link was developed.

But there are lot of interesting code for parsing resource.

At the moment, for a other project with lot of captions, I use extended 
features of "potools" converter.

It extracts, from a msegui form.mfm file, the caption of each component of the 
form and shows in a memo the code of the enum and array of strings, ready to be 
pasted into the program.
It helps "a lot" but sure you have to check for double and menu-items if all 
was ok.

But this is a few "bricolage" and your solution is much better (my way needs 
lot of energy and time).

I dont forget your previous post and will find time to jump into it asap.


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