Indeed. When I started messing with the linker files for my bootloader project, 
I noticed it too, but forgot to report it. I use the 12/08 windows build of 
mspgcc3 (non-X)

The differece between infomem and infomemnobits is that infomemnobits is dumped 
after relocating. Its contents are not put into the output file and not written 
to the MSP.
So you can define variables placed there and won't cause an infomem write when 
flashing the chip.

In addition, since the 54xx have the INFOA segment handled differently than the 
others, there should be separate sections. On CCE and IAR, all 4 INFO sections 
are separate rather than one huge section. And on some 
MSPs, INFOA contains unique calibration data and should be only usable on 
purpose and not by jsut placing something in infomem.


----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
Von: Hans Nieuwenhuis
Gesendet am: 27 Mai 2010 12:33:04
Betreff: [Mspgcc-users] Linker script for msp430x54xx

Hi all,

Just found out that binutils (2.20.1, but also older revs.) installs
incorrect linker files for the msp430x54xx parts. These parts have
their bootloader starting at 0x1000, but as shown in the snippet blow
that's where the linker puts the infomem section. Infomem should be
four blocks of 128 bytes starting at 0x1800.

  bootloader(rx)    : ORIGIN = 0x0c00,     LENGTH = 1K
  infomem(rx)       : ORIGIN = 0x1000,     LENGTH = 256
  infomemnobits(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x1000,     LENGTH = 256

What is the purpose of the sections infomem and infomemnobits as they
both point the same start address? Can someone shed a light on this?

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