> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:14:06 +0000
> From: David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> %%%PMX FILE%%%
> % Canzon V (1615)
> 7 7 4 4 4 4 0 0
> 4 12 16 .1
> Trumpet 7

The first line of the PMX file is already dangerous, if you want to
use scor2prt with this PMX-file.

If scor2prt detects "%%" at the beginning of a line it eats the next line.

So if you want to feed a PMX-file to scor2prt don't start any line 
with "%%", "%!" or "%i" where i is any integer from 0 to infinite :-)

The exception from this rule is if you do it intentionally!

This brings you to the sure side.

-- Werner

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