On 5/7/01 23:43, Jonathan Irving at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Carl
> You probably need to install ncurses (or slang) and let configure know
> about it.  What comes out when you type "mutt -v"?

% mutt -v
Mutt 1.2i (2000-05-09)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
Under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: SonOS 5.8
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To replort a bug, please use the muttbug utility.

Does this help?

    __   _                                           Carl B. Constantine
   / /  (_)__  __ ____  __                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  (2.4.1)                        ICQ: 26351441
 /____/_/_//_/\_ _/ /_/\_\  Stormix 2000
                                            PGP key available on request

  Up the line - out the server- past the firewall - nothing but Net!!

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