I just had another thought: Might it make sense to store sent mail
together with normal messages?

A fundamental problem is that mutt's "Search" feature cannot search over
multiple mailboxes. Thus, if I want to review a series of e-mails that I
exchanged with someone about a specific topic, then it may be useful to be
able to see both sides of the conversation.

I'm thinking that it might make sense to keep only *new* mail in
~/Maildir/, though. For me, an e-mail message that I receive may represent
something that I have to do (e.g. reply to the e-mail, do what the person
in the e-mail told me to do, etc.). So, I could remove messages from my
inbox only when I have done the action that is associated with that
e-mail. This makes it less likely that I'll forget to do something (which
has happened before; I can be quite forgetful at times).

So perhaps:

- New mail is sent to ~/Maildir/.
- Messages that I have sent go to =old.
- I save messages to =old when I'm done with them.
- A daily cron job scans =old and moves 3-month-old messages into

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