Thanks for that Julia.

It helps to see the full ms and makes perfect sense. The music is at least arranged spacially the way I have suggested and the double length symbol in the last bar shows it to be a slowed finish, again as suggested.

Writing music longhand is a slow and precise process. I have mistakes in my own handwriten manuscript books from the pre computer days and wonder how on earth did I miss that when I wrote it.

I feel that Dunk was distracted before he finished the piece off with the playing symbols and sent it away unaware it was incomplete. We shall never know.

It is a little clunky and overcomplicated in places and if it had survived in this form in the repertoire it would have changed in a generation or so anyhow.

Also, Francis said
I look forward to hearing Dave Shaw's recomposition of the piece.

It's formatting, not recomposition.



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