Am 14.01.2009 um 20:35 schrieb Bart C. Wise:

On Wednesday 14 January 2009 12:03:51 pm Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
> Am 14.01.2009 um 19:42 schrieb Bart C. Wise:
> > Ultimately I want to load an image and have it framed for the
> > background on the part page. I like the ability that tikz gives me
> > to adjust the opacity of the image, which is why I tried to find a
> > solution using tikz.
> > So I can find a solution without tikz, but is there one that will
> > work with tikz?
> How about this?
> \setupexternalfigures[location={local,global,default}]
> \setupcolors[state=start]
> \definecolor[partwhite][s=1,t=.8,a=1]
> \defineoverlay[partimage][\overlayfigure{mill}]
> \defineframedtext
> [partframed]
> [width=\textwidth,
> height=\textheight,
> rulethickness=5pt,
> background={partimage,color},
> backgroundcolor=partwhite,
> top=\vfill,
> bottom=\vfill\vfill]
> \setuphead
> [part]
> [before=\startpartframed,
> after=\stoppartframed,
> align=middle,
> footer=high,
> header=high,
> placehead=yes]
> \starttext
> \part{This is part one}
> \stoptext

Thanks! That one works. And much more elegant than what I was developing.
Just so I understand:
"background={partimage,color}" : This creates the background from both the image and the backgroundcolor, correct?

Yes, I used here two layers for the background, one for the image and
another one for the color which is before the image.

What does the "s=1" and the "a=1" do in defining the color partwhite? I can't find anything on the web.

I used s=1 to define a white color and the other two to make it transparent.


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