Okay, that's all clear enough. Thank you. I'll keep working at it.


On 16/4/21 11:08 pm, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 4/16/2021 12:22 PM, jbf wrote:
There was no mention of the indicator anywhere in what I copied from your example. I did try indicator=no just now in case it should be made explicit:
You use a couple of chartacters that will be filtered (crlf and so). Try weird ones, like:

sorters.definitions["biblical"] = {
    method  = interfaces.variables.before,
    replacements = {
        { "Gen",  "\\x01\\x01" },
        { "Ex",   "\\x01\\x02" },
        { "Lev",  "\\x01\\x03" },
        { "Deut", "\\x01\\x04" },
        { "Lam",  "\\x01\\x05" },
        { "Dan",  "\\x01\\x06" },
        { "Joel", "\\x02\\x01" },
        { "Ps",   "\\x02\\x02" },
        { "Prov", "\\x02\\x03" },
        { "Sir",  "\\x02\\x04" },
        { "Mt",   "\\x02\\x05" },
        { "Mk",   "\\x02\\x06" },

or better, take a harmless unicode sequence

sorters.definitions["biblical"] = {
    method  = interfaces.variables.before,
    replacements = {
        { "Gen",  utf.char(0xFF01) },
        { "Ex",   utf.char(0xFF02) },
        { "Lev",  utf.char(0xFF03) },
        { "Deut", utf.char(0xFF04) },
        { "Lam",  utf.char(0xFF05) },
        { "Dan",  utf.char(0xFF06) },
        { "Joel", utf.char(0xFF07) },
        { "Ps",   utf.char(0xFF08) },
        { "Prov", utf.char(0xFF09) },
        { "Sir",  utf.char(0xFF0A) },
        { "Mt",   utf.char(0xFF0B) },
        { "Mk",   utf.char(0xFF0C) },


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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