>>Adrian: What needs to happen is a change from
>>"Uli's XBF" to "The OpenCard Group's XBF".

>Anthony: But ultimately, Uli will know XBF best, and will proabably be the one
>accepting patches to it. Same with me and Interpreter.

Adrian: I disagree.  I would hope that FreeCard lasts much longer than 
any of it's founding members involvemnt.  Also, the code base should 
change over time so that eventually almost none of the original code will 
be left.  If Uli isn't working on XBF he won't know this new code best.

Adrian: Finally, it is up to the group to accept patches to the groups 
distribution of FreeCard.  As you agreed to below, we will only have 
leaders if they're needed and that leader may or may not be Uli.

>>if we get to the stage where
>>we need leaders to make everyday decisions, then have leaders if not,
>>leave things be.

>Anthony: Agreed.

Adrian: I know this argument may seem redundant but I feel it is 
important that we work together as a team, rather than just a group of 
individuals.  If we can achieve that, work will progress faster and 
better.  One of the central ideals of a team is that the produced work 
does not belong to any particular individual, but belongs to the team as 
a whole.  We are yet to make this distinction and it will need to be made 
at some stage.

Adrian: I will also admit that it is difficult to take this step, without 
having the licencing agreement decided - and that must come after the 
partnership agreement.  So, we need to get talking about this partnership 
agreement and finalise it.

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