>Uli: practice has shown that it's usually only one person really working 
>on some part of an open source project. 

Adrian: At any one time, yes but more than one person eventually ends up 
working on some part of an open source project - that's the whole point.

>Uli: E.g. in wxWindows there are 
>about three programmers which work on the main source base, each with 
>their own specialized platform. But of course there's lots of people 
>who submit bug fixes when they discover a bug, and there are other 
>people working on other aspects like wxStuido, richedit etc.

Adrian: You'll find that these three programmers don't always have time 
for wxWindows or lose interest, that's when someone else should take 
over.  However, people will be more reluctant to take over if it is not 
seen as the groups work.  I'm not saying that we need to crowd in and 
work together on everything, but this needs to be seen as a group effort 
(possibly with a coordinator/leader) instead of mine or yours.

>>Adrian: As for leaders, I am keeping an open mind.  We have all worked on
>>the basis that we will become a big group, but this may not be so.  I
>>think we just need to take it as it comes, if we get to the stage where
>>we need leaders to make everyday decisions, then have leaders if not,
>>leave things be.
>  I think we need some way to decide who has final say over things. 
>E.g. if the licence allows splitting, the majority would stay while a 
>minority might split off to do their own thing. Of course, there 
>could still be collaboration. I think in most cases we *will* arrive 
>at a decision that makes everyone happy. Often you can ease a 
>decision by just adding a compiler flag that lets you turn off 
>certain features.

Adrian: This will always be an option or we will have to stop calling 
ourselves opensource.  Perhaps we should strongly encourage features to 
be controlled with compiler flags wherever possible.  As I said above, 
lets see how things go.  There's no sign that we need leaders right now 
so lets get the partnership agreement and licence out of the way and then 

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