lessee, where wuz i... 


(i have been in the city of light for far too long and am stuck here for
anouther season as in 20 weaks.... )

Ah yes, french scripters (Alain? Mr. Derobertis?) I presume people are aware
of Eric Chatonnet (sp? 1 n?) and everyone knows Frederic Rinaldi. Both are
francophones and both are rather prolific writers on HC. Are they aware of
this project? I am sure they are both hyperbusy (hyper in french means 'really
really' as in 'mon planning est hyper-chargé!'... which is perfectly good
french except for the small anglicisme. Since hyper is greek you can see the
french are truly cosmopolitain (which come to think of it is also greek).

What else is happening? The colorized tab stops look good. Trust me, you WON'T
have difficulty finding your scripts (using the tooltip to say 'hey, click on
the control (apple) alt and double click to open the script !' Really i think
the tab stops are not inherently bad i actually like them especially when
working on multiple items (i.e. i want to set all my check boxes to showBorder
= True - easier with tab stops since i call the window once and then click it
X times.)

The menu items as I said are being added

So in conclusion, if we are going to use the metaCard gui as modified and
updated i can _promise delivery by august at latest. 

The hypercard version will be out by next fall. It sort of depends on whether
anyone can develop a translater for exporting Metacard stacks.

(more follows...)

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