>Am working around the script limitations for the menubars by naming menuitems
>commands (which i think is good - reinforces script syntax for newbies) and DO
>but as i understand DO is an _evil (time consuming) command so we shall


 you're sounding the way my head feels right now. Could you re-phrase this?
I don't understand it (might be my brains though. If you think it's obvious
wait until tomorrow by which time my head should be clearer).

>Reason for my enquiry is - since I know C i am thinking of plunging into hot
>boiling sugary(?) oil... and want to know whether i should bother (absence
>ofpointers seems like a drawback)

 What's so bad with C that you want to learn Java? Learn C++ and you'll get
a free "job" offer to write a FreeCard component :-)

>Oh, i am still paranoid about the message service and do not presume the
>hackattack is over. So, MORE FOLLOWS...

 Heck, Paranoia saved all my e-mails from being eaten by the big bad Eudora
demo version bug -- it's a good thing, cultivate it!

-- M. Uli Kusterer

       'The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...'

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