lessee... where was i.

Oh Yeah... arm a geddon.

Well, yesterdays hak was in my opinion bigger in effect than Ynot2k...
There are also some stacks i've made like button ideas, art ideas...
Does anyone know if the mask of an icon in metacard can be set using the 'set'
command. I doubt it but must ask before i reimport 200 icons _with masks.

Am working around the script limitations for the menubars by naming menuitems
commands (which i think is good - reinforces script syntax for newbies) and DO
but as i understand DO is an _evil (time consuming) command so we shall

Speaking of evil... what do people think of java script or java (and i know
there is some arcane difference between them but do not yet know what it is).
Personally i think it is probably hackers heaven. Lets a remote user access
someone elses hard drive. . . I know js is an emulator so it is comparble in
speed to any interpreted language - which i think is less important now and
will be less important in the future than say 10 years ago. 

Reason for my enquiry is - since I know C i am thinking of plunging into hot
boiling sugary(?) oil... and want to know whether i should bother (absence
ofpointers seems like a drawback)

Oh, i am still paranoid about the message service and do not presume the
hackattack is over. So, MORE FOLLOWS...

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