>>Alain: NuParser has its own background in our
>>web-stack (CGI). Click on "FC-application" on the
>>HomeStack page, then click on "interpreter" in the
>>table of contents.

Anthony: It did not work for me ...

Alain: Are you still experiencing problems with our
web site? I visited it a few minutes ago. Everything
works like a charm.

Anthony: I got to the Interpreter pages, then clicked
the two links there and got this in NS's JS log: ...
Page is not defined ... I imagine this is the
JavaScript version of a 404.

Alain: My hypothesis is that this is because your
browser/machine is not rendering the page in the
middle-frame fast enough. The bottom-frame calls a
function that it expects to find in the middle-frame,
but it is not there yet. It is unsightly but it does
not affect the process. Your case is the first
exception (perhaps).

Anthony: Added to the fact that many of the pages look
truncated (at the beginning, no less), ...

Alain: First report of this, too.

Anthony: ... the navigation bar up top does not work,
etc., I think.

Alain: Is your javascript enabled ?

Anthony: I'm really beginning to like plain old

Alain: Everyone is free to do as he wishes. My web
site system does not necessarily have to be considered
the official FreeCard web site. If you wish to make a
better one that does not contain all the deficiencies
of mine (e.g. the javascript, frames and tables), then
no one is stopping you. 

Alain: I am going to give your comments and Uli's
their due consideration, but I don't believe that an
entirely different web-site system is in the picture,
in the short-term. I would rather focus my efforts on
beefing up our documentation and services.

Anthony: BTW: There are some NuParser snapshots ...

Alain: More PNG files? Dragging and dropping a PNG on
Netscape, or anything else for that matter, does not
work for me. What application is required to view a
PNG file?

>>Alain: Our application and collaboration go by the
>>name FreeCard. Our scripting language is called
>>FreeScript. So how about FreeParser ?

Anthony: The idea is to emphasize that Nuparser is
_not_ just for FreeCard. It is a general purpose tool
that should be usable anywhere.

Alain: Oh. I was not aware of NuParser's generic

> Alain: I believe that this is unfortunate. We are
> an open source collaboration. People will be viewing
> our source with the intention of understanding it
> contributing to it. Hence, we should avoid hacks
> like the above, or document them profusely, so that
> won't end up with only ONE programmer that can do
> anything with our source code.

Anthony: Alain, remember that the Interpreter's speed
is solely responsible for the speed of ALL scripts

Alain: I am well-aware of that, Anthony. For speed
though you can't beat assembly language, or binary for
that matter. We don't frequently develop with them
though because their un-friendliness makes them poor
[RAD] development tools.

Anthony: Every millisecond saved counts.

Alain: In my view, we should put more accent on
rigorous and readable code in our DEVELOPMENT phase,
then make optimized off-shoots at press time. The slow
down in performance will be more than compensated by
the ease with which we will be able to adapt our code
base and/or to get more programmers to join in.
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