> Well, today I can't even get to the interpreter
> page. Same error:
> Page is not defined.

Alain: You could get to it before, but now even that
is not accessible. In other words, it is getting
worse, despite the fact that I have not even touched
the system in a couple of days. Quite mysterious

> Yes. And this is NetScape Navigator, v. 4.08.

Alain: I am using version 4.6 of Netscape. Perhaps
that has something to do with it.

> BTW: I'll consider making my own. Definitely will
> make my own NuParser & Interpreter pages.

Alain: I will output what I have got to ordinary HTML
with no bells & whistles, and make it available to you
and the rest of the group. My system is slated to go
off-line thereafter.
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