On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Mahr, Stefan <stefan.m...@sphairon.com> wrote:
>> Where are those functions defined and how do they know what the target 
>> endianness is?
> They doesn't know the target endianness, but host endianness.

How do they convert then, when they do not know from which endianes to
convert from ?

 * Sets @c num bits in @c _buffer, starting at the @c first bit,
 * using the bits in @c value.  This routine fast-paths writes
 * of little-endian, byte-aligned, 32-bit words.
 * @param _buffer The buffer whose bits will be set.
 * @param first The bit offset in @c _buffer to start writing (0-31).
 * @param num The number of bits from @c value to copy (1-32).
 * @param value Up to 32 bits that will be copied to _buffer.
static inline void buf_set_u32(void *_buffer,
                unsigned first, unsigned num, uint32_t value)

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