Hi Stephan,

Sorry I took a while to reply to this..

I have done some more digging.. But am still somewhat confused.
However I am sure it's two parts of a project conflicting somehow.
I wonder if you can throw any pearls of wisdom my way..

The Open Flight stuff I was reporting earlier was totally related to  
an older Prefix file from an old OSG Template. Duh!

With regards to the OpenGL errors..
I have glew and SDL and a few other things included in my XCode  
project. It's only in this project I get this problem.
However I have cleaned the project and the entire machine of any OSG  
installs except the one from SVN.
I have also checked all the libraries I am using are 10.5, as is the  
OSG build.

When I build it the errors persist in 'Uniform' just below line 184  
which is commented as
"TODO: the following must be integrated fully...."

Those 6 GL_FLOAT_MAT equates throw up a 'not declared in this scope  
error' every time.

But with other examples from the OSG distribution I don't get that  
So it's something I have added to my project.
glew is funny about being included before gl.h and other files of that  
ilk, and I wonder if that's causing a problem for me with OSG?!?

So obviously there is a build order / compilation problem for me of  
some sort. Or I am making a silly mistake somewhere perhaps?
Can you shed any light on why SDL, freetype or glew might cause this  
problem, or anything I should be careful of?


On Jan 28, 2008, at 5:12 PM, Stephan Maximilian Huber wrote:

> Hi Stephen,
> Stephen Northcott schrieb:
>> I am still getting the OpenGL error references I mentioned earlier.  
>> Is
>> it possible I am going to the wrong repository? Do you have more than
>> one! Seems unlikely as you told me you had fixed various other  
>> linking
>> probs and I grabbed it again and they had indeed gone..
> Nice to hear that your linking error is gone. Can you post the
> error-messages you get regarding the GL_ defines into an email and   
> your
> used computer / system?
> cheers,
> Stephan
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