For what it's worth..

I am quite lazy and will tend to just hit google (in the top right of  
Safari) with loose terms for what I need online..

The old wiki ranks a lot higher in Google, and that is perhaps why so  
many people go there...

I am not sure how concerned you are about profile, but it may be worth  
looking at why that is before you kill the old wiki.
Then again it may just be google propagation time..

Kind regards,

On Jan 28, 2008, at 10:17 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

> On Jan 28, 2008 1:51 PM, Jean-Sebastien Guay
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Robert,
>>> Sure.. Here you go..
>> Any reason why the old wiki is still available? If all the info has  
>> been moved
>> over, why not just disable it? It's not the first time a user had  
>> old links to
>> the old wiki, or was led to the old wiki by Google or something  
>> like that.
> It was needed during the change over last summer as a back up.  Its
> not so required now, as long as we genuinely have picked up
> everything.
> Perhaps Jose Luis can comment on switching off the old wiki, I presume
> it'll be quite straight forward tweak to the server.
> Robert.
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