Hi Bryan,

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Thrall, Bryan
>> I am also curious about the factors that hold developers back from
>> deploying sims on Linux, i.e. even if Linux is superior at all the
>> above, what prevents one from move to the platform?
> One of the primary reasons I've heard is that graphics card driver
> support is not as good as on Windows (i.e. lacking features, less
> responsive to bug reports, etc.).

On the NVidia driver side I don't know of any features that are
available under Windows
but not Linux so I think this side of things is probably a non issue,
except perhaps for
the misconception that there might be differences.

Responsiveness to bug reports is something I can't directly comment on
as I've stood back
from chasing driver developers about OpenGL bugs, rather just
providing moral support for
users who do go through this.  In terms of bug reports about drivers
under Windows vs Linux
I'd say that if anything Windows users have reported more problems
such as with mulit-threading
issues.  NVidia drivers do tend to be pretty good on both platforms.
Alas I can't say the same
for ATI drivers, especially under Linux.

Overall I'd say worries about Nvidia OpeNGL driver features and
support are most likely misplaced.

Elements are far less unequivocal is that the file systems available
perform far better than the Windows
file system, so database paging performs better.    Threading issues
also occur far less often under Linux than under Windows, X11 has long
been geared up for multi-threaded usage.  Memory management under
Linux is also
far better than Windows - it's been quite common over the past couple
of years for clients of mine have been struggling
to get Windows apps for perform well when under high loads, with
stalls quite and memory issues plaging development,
while linux versions of the apps just chug along without dropping a
frame.  The compilers under Linux are also now
better than the equivalents under Windows - update, cull and draws are
typically faster under Linux than Windows on
the same hardware.

So when I hear people on the mailing list struggling to get things
working smoothly under Windows I know one of the easiest remedies is
try the apps under Linux.  This isn't because the OSG is optimized for
Linux, the OSG is about as platform agnostic as an project could be in
this sector, its down to the underlying system being more efficient
and better balanced which is why things work better.

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