Hi Stephan,

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Stephan Maximilian Huber
<ratzf...@digitalmind.de> wrote:
> Yes, I hope so, it's a full GraphicsWindow-implementation. I haven't
> tested multithreaded/multi-context-usage now, I am still struggling with
> events, and Cocoa.

A full implementation would be great, as it would mean no loss of
functionality.  Good luck with sorting out the events side.

>> Sorry but I couldn't quite work out the exact status of 64bit +
>> Quicktime.  Will it be possible for use to move our present Quicktime
>> plugin across to work under 64bit, even if means emulation, or do we
>> simply have to disable the build of the Quicktime plugin under OSX.
> Quicktime itself is AFAIK not 64bit, there's a thin abstraction-layer
> (called QTKit) available for 32bit/64bit which routes the commands to a
> 32bit background-app playing the video-stream and handling the image back.
> For windows the SDK is only 32bit.
> I think disabling the quicktime-plugin for 64bit is the right way to go,
> without an alternative in place (ImageIO for example).

An ImageIO plugin would certainly ease some of this issues in proper
support for 64bit under OSX.  The OSG went 64bit under other unices 7
years ago, so it's a shame that OSX has been held back for so long.

>> A quick search on the web suggest that live-video should be possible
>> under ffmpeg.
> Really? I thought you need other libs to capture the video footage like
> libcap, openCV,  and feed the stream into ffmpeg to compress it...

I've seen quick tutorials that illustrate recording live video
streams, I don't recall mention of external tools.  Earlier today I
tried out one command line that records the X11 desktop to a video,
this required recompiling ffmpeg though.  I haven't tried tweaking our
new plugin to do this yet though, I guess it should be possible.

Once I get into this effort more I should know more about the ins and out of it.

> All quicktime-codecs -- there are several codecs handled by quicktime,
> Sorensen, MotionJpeg, DV, etc. even some lossless codecs. (a list is
> available at: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/player/specs.html)

Thanks for the link.  If we start with a standard source video I
presume we can get quicktime to generate these various formats as an
output, then use these for testing against the ffmpeg plugin for
compatibility.  I don't expect we'd see 100% support, but it'd be
great if the main formats that are used supportable by ffmpeg.

> yes I know.
> One of the keyfeatures of the quicktime-plugin is that you don't need to
> hassle with all the dependencies - compile the plugin and you'll have
> most of the image-formats and can play videos. Even distributing the app
> is simple, because quicktime is part of the system.
> And with some efforts you'll get double-clickable applications, no need
> to install needed packages / dependencies on the target systems.
> I am not a big fan of more external dependencies. For other platforms
> than unix/linux this is a great hassle to get + install the right packages.
> There are some package-managers available for OS X (DarwinPorts + Fink
> for example) but I think most Mac users do not use them.  This is why I
> insist in old deprecated XCode projects which can compile frameworks or
>  the quicktime-plugin, because they help to deliver the os-x experience
> everybody likes: download an app, copy it to the applications,
> double-click to run. No installer needed, nada.

Perhaps Philip's efforts on his CMakePorts project will help solve
part of this issue, give us an relatively painless way to build the
various dependencies and package them in a consistent way.


On a slightly different note, cross platform solutions like ffmpeg do
open up for better support for OSX indirectly, as right now 95% of the
community can't help out with OSX specific issues. If one adds full
cross platform support then suddenly the number of people who can help
out an maintain solutions that OSX developers rely upon jumps by 20
fold.  So even if a few features aren't available under ffmpeg, there
is a good chance that the features that it does expose will be better
supported and maintainable than the present situation with the
Quicktime plugin.

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