Hello there OSGers! :)

Apologies if what I am asking here is already answered in some other thread of 
this forum, but I couldn't find everything I was looking for.

I have some questions regarding multi-threading and run-time scene-graph 
hierarchy changes.
What is the right/safe way to change something in a scenegraph during the 
runtime(mostly add and remove nodes)?

Add/remove them just before you call viewer::frame() or using some 

If I understand correctly, the rendering threads of OSG are called continuously 
after you realize the viewer. Even if you are not calling viewer::frame() 
right? Does this mean that I have to viewer::start/stopThreading every time I 
want to update a part of the scene hierarchy (load, compile and add a node, 
remove another node etc)? Is there anything else that I should be aware of when 
I load nodes in the background and then add/remove them to/from the scenegraph 
on runtime?
Node: I don't use osg::ProxyNode for my reasons.
Thanks a lot for your time guys!


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