Hello again! :)

Looks like I am having some multi-threading issues with my application but to 
be honest I am not sure what is going on.

Initialy, I though that the problem had something to do with the fact I load my 
model in a separate thread and then I add it to the scene from the main thread 
or using an update callback. But it turns out that the problem might appear 
even if I do not load my model in a separate thread.

The problem arises when I try to add extra views to my composite viewer. At the 
startup of the application I create a composite viewer, a main view and "N" 
extra views. I only add the main view to the composite viewer and everything 
runs fine. The other three views may have their contexts sharing the resources 
with main view context or may not. May share the same scene with main view or 
may not (viewer::setSceneData(NULL)). It doesn't matter, the problem appears in 
all cases.

Here is the problem now:
When I try to add the views to the composite viewer the application freezes. I 
tried to stop threading before adding a view and start threading again after 
adding them, but I still have the same problem. The threading mode composite 
viewer uses is "CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext". The problem won't 
appear if: I stop the threading and not restart it again or use one of the 
following modes: DrawThreadPerContext, SingleThreaded.

Looks like I have some deadlock in my application. Using the debugger I can see 
that when my application freezes a lot of threads are waiting blocked:

The main thread blocks at OpenThreads::cooperateveWait() in Win32Thread.cpp 
line 55. If I move backwards on the stack, looks like the whole problem starts 
at the line 846 of ViewerBase.cpp: 
_endDynamicDrawBlock->block(); If I check the member variables of the 
_endDynamicDrawBlock pointer I see that:
_blockCount = number of total views attached to the composite viewer
_currentCount = always 1

Using the debugger I can also see that other N + 1 threads are blocked (again, 
where N the number of views attached to the composite viewer):

The N threads (I guess these are the rendering theads, one for each viewer) are 
blocked at OpenThreads::cooperateveWait in Win32Thread.cpp line 50. If I walk 
the call stack backwards the problem starts at OperationThread::run() in 
OperationThread.cpp line 426: "(*operation)(_parent.get());"

The extra (+1) thread (no idea what this thread is for) is blocked at 
OpenThreads::cooperateveWait in Win32Thread.cpp line 50. If I walk the call 
stack backwards the problem starts at Renderer::draw() in  Renderer.cpp line 
649: "osgUtil::SceneView* sceneView = _drawQueue.takeFront();"

* Any idea what may be causing these deadlocks?

* What is the right way of adding/removing extra views to a composite viewer 
who is already running?

Btw: I am using OSG version 3.0.0

Thanks a lot for your time and sorry for the long post!

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