
Am 13.08.2012 18:07, schrieb Paul Martz:
> Hi all --
> There doesn't seem to be a way to use a custom allocator with an OSG Array 
> type. Is that correct, or have I missed something?
> I have a large store of array data, and want to create a new instance of an 
> OSG Array that references that data store without invoking a data copy or 
> per-element constructor. The typical way to do this in C++ is with a custom 
> allocator, but as near as I can tell, OSG's Array types don't allow an 
> allocator as a template parameter.
> If I can't use a custom allocator, does anyone have any ideas on how to 
> create an OSG Array that references a pre-allocated data store?

Maybe the osgsharedarray example can give you a hint.
It is not using STL-style allocators but you can
subclass an osg::Array.
> Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

Hope this helps.


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