Hi David. Thanks for the many suggestions. Unfortunately, the code I'm working on needs to work with a released version of OSG, so mods to OSG itself are not an option.

Apparently I overlooked the obvious swap() solution. I've done a quick test and I believe this will work for me.

And thanks, Peter, for the pointer to the mysharedarray example. This is also a workable solution, if I encounter problems with swap().

On 8/15/2012 5:29 AM, David Callu wrote:
Hi Paul,

2012/8/13 Paul Martz <pma...@skew-matrix.com <mailto:pma...@skew-matrix.com>>

    Hi all --

    There doesn't seem to be a way to use a custom allocator with an OSG Array
    type. Is that correct, or have I missed something?

  You're right

    I have a large store of array data, and want to create a new instance of an
    OSG Array that references that data store without invoking a data copy or
    per-element constructor. The typical way to do this in C++ is with a custom
    allocator, but as near as I can tell, OSG's Array types don't allow an
    allocator as a template parameter.

    If I can't use a custom allocator, does anyone have any ideas on how to
    create an OSG Array that references a pre-allocated data store?

    Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

OSG Array use an osg::MixinVector<T> template that use a std::vector under the 
I think to some solutions :

1) extend MixinVector template with a second parameter, the CustomAllocator
and pass it to the std::vector used in this template. Then extend
osg::TemplateArray in the same way.
typedef TemplateIndexArray<GLbyte,Array::ByteArrayType,1,GL_BYTE> ByteArray;
template <AllocT = defaultAlloc>
class  ByteArray :
public  TemplateIndexArray<GLbyte,Array::ByteArrayType,1,GL_BYTE>
Then adapt ArrayVisitor, ConstArrayVisitor and all dependency to accept a
template instead of a class

class ArrayVisitor
         template <AllocT = defaultAlloc>
         virtual void apply(ByteArray<AllocT>&) {}

Really big work, and there are some limitations (serialization for example).
(This could be more simple with C++11 new possibility)

2) Change osg::MixinVector<T> in your custom OSG implementation then use
Allocator that you need
     and create Vec3ArrayMyAlloc and other osg::Array with your allocator,
extend ArrayVisitor for your new
     Arrays types, and so on for all Array's dependency that your code require.

3) Change osg::MixinVector<T> to don't use std::vector anymore (do the vector
stuff yourself)
     and add in the public interface a function that allow user to change
Allocator of array element at runtime.
     All element of the vector will be remove if you change the allocator to
avoid any memory corruption.

4) You probably already dig this solution but ...
     If you can store your "large store of array data" in an std::vector, then
just do a std::swap between std::vector and osg::Array.

5) In the same way of 3) define a custom allocator that could change its
behaviours at runtime, but still use a std::vector.

template<class ValueT>
class MixinVector
     typedef typename std::vector<ValueT, MyAdaptableAllocator> vector_type;

     Allocator could have a callback mechanism like osg::Node/osg::NodeCallback.
     You can do something like this in allocator to don't hurt performance in
default behaviours (with if/else optimization):
    void MyAllocator::function()
        if (callback == NULL)
           do stuff

Anyway there are no really good solution...


       -Paul Martz      Skew Matrix Software
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