Hi Remo
Hi Sebastian

I'm wondering if you have a running osgText on MacOSX Core Profile. Your 
shader-code is not compatible with it. I've written a partial working version 
of this shader. I also found that the Glyph Texture is created with red. But i 
think something is wrong with the texturecoordinates. I don't see any glyph.
I'm not using MacOSX, but I'm running on core profile under Windows and the shader seems to work for osgText there.

uniform sampler2D glyphTexture;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 color;
void main()
  color = vertexColor * texture(glyphTexture, texCoord).r;

Basically the font should be white and modulated by the vertex color. I would have to dive into the implementation to see, why your information is in the red-channel. It might very well be, that the osgText is using GL_RED or something else which I can access via the .a swizzle in my driver.

I'm not sure the code of "Text::drawForegroundText" can work with VAO (It's 
required on MacOSX)
I'm not sure if the VAO path is used on my side. So I can't help you with this one.


Here you find a draw dump from MacOSX:

[Image: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/files/dump_202.png ]


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