Am 18.02.2015 um 15:34 schrieb Martin Rapavy:
> To add some technical details to my query: the bus master chip in
> question si very similiar to DS1WM (which is something like
> DS2482-800 but with memory-mapped registers, instead of I2C access).
> After browsing the sources for some time I concluded that without
> guidance from developers it's going to be very hard to identify all
> the places where to hook-in support for new bus master.
Option A
OWFS supports the DS1WM through the w1 kernel driver (--w1 option). On a
Linux box, that it be sufficient if you fork the kernel driver for DS1WM
or add support for you chip in there. The disadvantage is the w1 kernel
driver polls the bus itself for new devices and so, isn't a 100% drop-in
for a native owfs driver.

Option B
Write a fake I²C host adaptor kernel driver which creates a new "I²C
bus", with your onewire host adaptor the only device "connected" to that
"bus. This may be the easiest option if your device behaves very much
like the original DS2482. OWFS drops in neatly, no strings attached.

Option C
Memory-mapped IO from userspace, which is *UGH!*. See
module/owlib/src/c/ow/ow_ds2482.c for all the things to write and
change. The disadvantage is owfs has to run as root to do MMIO.

Choose your poison. I favour B.

Kind regards


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