how much time do spend on average evaluating software? I know in general
it's usually cheaper to buy than build but sometimes the time taken to
evaluate X variations is usually daunting...

On 1 June 2011 13:33, Stephen Price <> wrote:

> For you, its the space. I guess for them, its being able to target
> different clients. Pay for what you need or pay for what you can
> afford. I went for the top plan because of the more machines.
> Then again I tend to buy lots of software tools. Some people go out
> and spend thousands on their hardware and then refuse to spend a
> single cent on software (usually because they want something for
> nothing, which in the software world can sometimes be found). I don't
> get that. I look at how long it would have taken me to write the
> software (assuming I even have the skills for what the software does)
> and then see the measly $200 or whatever as being a bargin.
> Time is more valuable to me than money. I have less time than money
> and I seem to spend all my time converting it into money. :)
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:
> > Stephen, Crashplan looked great until I noticed they have some kind of
> > per-machine restriction on all but the top plan. This make no sense, as
> if I
> > buy the space, then I expect to be able to use from absa-bloody-lutely
> > anywhere, I mean, it's the space that counts, not where it comes from --
> > Greg
> >
> >

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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