Totally agree on this point. I've been ketogenic for six months now (lost 6kg 
in the first month, have plateaued now but feel great). Some .net people may 
know Carl Franklin's been podcasting at<>, 
and he's done an awesome job recording his progress. 6 months and he lost 80lb 
and is no longer type 2 diabetic.
Got so much out of it, I backed his kickstarter project to turn his town keto 
for a weekend. Flying out with my wife in a couple of weeks. Will be seeing the 
sights in New York, then up to New London for ketofest.
Btw, you don't have to be over weight to suffer the damaging effects of too 
much carbs/sugar. The inflammatory damage in your veins can't be seen from the 

One of the strange side effects I have noticed is that some days I forget to 
eat. Today, I had accidentally turned off my alarm so was running a bit late. 
Went to work with no breakfast, had one coffee at work, and worked right 
through lunch as I hadn't taken anything and office is a bit of a drive from 
places to eat. Barely noticed.
Don't miss sugar. Finding some awesome recipes along the way. Recently made 
deep fried chicken crumbed in pork rinds combined with Parmesan cheese.
So good. Hmm... this might possibly be the first recipe shared on this elist. :)

Anyway to keep on topic, had a standup desk and my last project, one of those 
motorised ones. Great for exercise and strengthening but not losing weight. 
What you put in your body has way more effect in that regard.  You can lose 
weight with zero exercise, but exercise is important for other reasons. I.e. 
Preventing muscles wasting away. If you don't use it, you lose it.

From: <> on behalf 
of Piers Williams <>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 8:46:35 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Sit/stand desk results

There are quite a few people in my office now using sit-to-stand desks. I sent 
a scary article around about a year or so ago about the health issues, but I 
think it's mostly the availability of reasonable quality converters (Varidesk 
etc) that's really changed things.

I'm between offices too much to have one myself (I'd need 3), so I just 
concentrate on having a regular walk around the office instead, and having all 
meetings as stand ups. And - on the insulin front - be sure to read up on (and 
cut down on) the sugar that's crammed into everything these days.

On 19 Jun. 2017 14:33, "Tony Wright" 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Tom,

No, not the back for me. They say that your body stops regulating insulin 
properly after 4 hours of sitting, and that's about when I was feeling 
unwell/lethargic from sitting.


On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 4:00 PM, Tom Rutter 
<<>> wrote:
Did you switch to this for a specific reason (lower back problem for example)? 
If so did this help at all in a noticeable way?

On Monday, 19 June 2017, Tony Wright 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Tom,

It changes for me. Sometimes I stand, sometimes I sit. If I feel that I've been 
sitting for too long, I hit the buttons and stand for a while. I'm not 
regretful for one second that I have the option.


On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Tom Rutter <> wrote:
Hey folks

I recall a while ago discussion into sit/stand desks and was interested in how 
people went with this setup. Did those that tried standing get any good (or 
bad) results? Are they still doing it or went back to only sitting?


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