MessageMy cousin is pregnant with her 3rd baby.  She has had previous 
inductions (because the baby was too big! AHH! Such nonsense)  Anyway, she torn 
terribly both times requiring to go to OT to suture her.  She is under a 
private Ob.  THis pregnancy she has a prolapse and the baby is breech.  She is 
only aboutr 34 weeks or so and they have virtually told her she "NEEDS" a 
c-sect.  I imagine they think the baby is too big to turn?  She told me it is 
already in teh 95th percentile.  To me this is utter medical nonsense.  When I 
tried to ask her why she needed a c-sect she didn't really know whether it was 
for the breech or for the prolapse.  In my experience neither is a problem, 
breech babies can be born vaginally, and prolapses can spontaneously pull up in 
labour so that the woman can then birth.  She says if they 'allow' her to 
labour, they want her induced so that she does't have to travel in labour (only 
1.5 hours to hosp).  Why would this be? (besides the fact that they'd want to 
medically manage everything?)  Is this lady going off to the slaughter 
blindfolded or does she 'need' induction or surgery?  Thoughts appreciated.  

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