1) The main navigation menu cannot be accessed using a keyboard. In our 
situation, this is a deal breaker. When pressing the TAB key, if you watch the 
status bar at the bottom of the window, you can see that the URL is changing 
and it is working through the menu system, but there's no visual way of knowing 
that this is happening on the menu bar. In SP2007 this wasn't a problem.

Have you enabled Accessibility mode? If so, is the tab order still not working 
through the topnav?


2) Menu flyouts do not centre themselves vertically on the screen. For example, 
if you roll over the bottom link on the navigation menu and it has a 
corresponding flyout, and if this flyout contains a long-ish set of links, the 
flyout will extend itself over the bottom of the screen, making it impossible 
for the user to access those links. In SP2007, the flyouts automatically 
re-positioned themselves to move up the screen in a situation like this, making 
all links accessible.

That would be a considerably large menu! As a workaround you could add a 
minimum-height and additional margin to the bottom of the placeholder to 
overcome this. It's not perfect but it works until a fix is implemented.

I was hoping for improvements in this area, not degradation.

Tell me, are the flyout menus even visible when using IE8 or IE9 standards 
mode? The only solution I ever found for 2007 using the OOTB provider was to 
use IE8 Compat with IE7 standards.


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