Hi Kathleen.

   1. You can also use the css selector :focus to target the focussed
   element in the style sheet.

   2. In 2010 there is a bit of js that sets the page hieght so it plays
   nice with the ribbon control. This could be a reason for your menu problems.
   This might be useful,


On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Paul Noone <
paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au> wrote:

> 1) The main navigation menu cannot be accessed using a keyboard. In our
> situation, this is a deal breaker. When pressing the TAB key, if you watch
> the status bar at the bottom of the window, you can see that the URL is
> changing and it is working through the menu system, but there's no visual
> way of knowing that this is happening on the menu bar. In SP2007 this wasn't
> a problem.****
> ** **
> Have you enabled Accessibility mode? If so, is the tab order still not
> working through the topnav?****
> ** **
> ****
>  ****
> 2) Menu flyouts do not centre themselves vertically on the screen. For
> example, if you roll over the bottom link on the navigation menu and it has
> a corresponding flyout, and if this flyout contains a long-ish set of links,
> the flyout will extend itself over the bottom of the screen, making it
> impossible for the user to access those links. In SP2007, the flyouts
> automatically re-positioned themselves to move up the screen in a situation
> like this, making all links accessible.****
> ** **
> That would be a considerably large menu! As a workaround you could add a
> minimum-height and additional margin to the bottom of the placeholder to
> overcome this. It’s not perfect but it works until a fix is implemented.**
> **
> ** **
> I was hoping for improvements in this area, not degradation.****
> ** **
> Tell me, are the flyout menus even visible when using IE8 or IE9 standards
> mode? The only solution I ever found for 2007 using the OOTB provider was to
> use IE8 Compat with IE7 standards.****
> ** **
> ****
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