On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 11:35, Stephen Adkins wrote:
> Hi,
> At 09:51 AM 8/15/2002 -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> >On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Stephen Adkins wrote:
> ....
> >> I have begun a module which I might release independently on
> >> CPAN which extracts metadata from code, comments, and pod.
> >> I have currently named it "Devel::Metadata".
> >
> >Looks like a good start.  I would suggest also creating a basic
> >"Devel::Metadata" commenting standard that would be used in preference of
> >actually scanning code so one could simple do this:
> Right. I intend to parse POD, comments, and code, where the highest
> reliability wins.  Information entered explicitly by the developer
> in some standard format will have the highest reliability.

I may have already mentioned this in the past, but I suggest taking a
look at modinfo.sf.net.  An example of a project that uses this system
is guido.sf.net.  It allows you provide metadata about inherited modules
and function parameters, constructors, methods, properties, etc.   It
borrows heavily from the JavaBeans BeanInfo specification.

The advantage to this system is that the metadata can be stored external
to the module, and is only queried when it's desired, so you have no
run-time overhead.


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