On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, James Tillman wrote:

> I may have already mentioned this in the past, but I suggest taking a
> look at modinfo.sf.net.  An example of a project that uses this system
> is guido.sf.net.  It allows you provide metadata about inherited modules
> and function parameters, constructors, methods, properties, etc.   It
> borrows heavily from the JavaBeans BeanInfo specification.
> The advantage to this system is that the metadata can be stored external
> to the module, and is only queried when it's desired, so you have no
> run-time overhead.

This looks good.  Maybe it should be renamed though because its
confusingly similar to Module::Info.

A system that combined Module::Info with James' system and then provided a
single API for _all_ of the info so that formatting systems (DocSet, mason
components, whatever) could do something with it would be very cool.


we await the New Sun

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