
On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 07:42 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote:

I think message beans do sound attractive in this situation, and there is some infrastructure code to write here on the Perl side (putting messages in the database, reading them back out of it, triggering the appropriate handling code, and maybe throttling if you can find a way to make it generic enough). It wouldn't be hard to make some modules that do what I described with cron, an RDBMS, and mod_perl, and that might be a good addition to CPAN. Or maybe a generalization of Jason's Spread::Queue is in order. People do seem to bring up messaging/queues a lot on this list.
I would be interested in people's experience using Spread (from perl). What are you doing with it from a functional point of view? How well does it work? Likes/dislikes?

I'm mostly interested in it being used for one-to-one or one-to-many publishing of reliable/ordered messages.

One other thing: from reading the docs it appears Spread itself doesn't do persistent storage of messages (i.e. a receiver is unavailable), Did you solve that? If so, how?

Thanks for any feedback,


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