BTW, I did a Google search for class 1 bluetooth dongles, and I got
quite a few hits. For example, As
I said in another email, I didn't try any of these myself, but there
seems to be quite a few of them and they seem to cost under $30. They
also seem like they'd do what you want. If it were me, I'd give one a
shot! Even if it didn't work with the range you're looking for, you'd
still have a perfectly usable USB bluetooth dongle. Good luck!

On 21/07/11 07:03, Lee Mounger wrote:
> Hi Listers,
> A few years ago, I decided that since I was using Jaws and had no need for 
> the screen, why should I have to be tied to the computer to use the computer. 
>  Here's what I did.  I connected an FM transmitter to the sound card of my 
> computer and now use a small FM radio or my Sansa mp3 player which is tiny 
> and equipped with FM to hear Jaws or anything else from the sound card.  Then 
> I bought an RF wireless keyboard with a range of a hundred feet or so.  The 
> keyboard is small and light and with a transmitter built in.  The keyboard's 
> receiver plugs into the USB port of my computer.  With this combination, for 
> probably the last five years, unless I have to load a disc or do something 
> physical on the computer, I compute wherever I want from bed, to the living 
> room, to the kitchen, etc.  
> My only problem is that because it's an RF keyboard, I sometimes have to 
> physically adjust the keyboard receiver's little antenna at the computer 
> depending on where I am in the house.  So here's my question.  I haven't done 
> anything with Bluetooth and I know some of you are much more knowledgeable 
> about this technology.  Is anyone doing the same thing I'm doing with 
> Bluetooth?  I think I need a longer range, Class 1, wireless Bluetooth 
> keyboard.  Does anyone know where I could buy such an animal?  There seem to 
> be plenty of infrared or short-range wireless keyboards out there but the 
> first question from well-meaning sighted computer people is, "why would you 
> want a wireless keyboard anywhere too far to see the computer screen," 
> <grin>.  Of course the answer is that you probably wouldn't unless you were a 
> visually impaired person using a screen reader so it's kind of a niche 
> problem.  Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Lee Mounger'
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