Paul, reading your post I realized that if I had composed that way (I
mean the "right" way) it would've been much better also for the
post-process, right? I mean that way I could've avoid some backlight
which was problematic to deal with during the shots and in the

Didn't know about the "Shadows/Highlights". I'll give it a try.

Thank you very much.

On 4/11/06, Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd say you did a rather good job on the technical side of things
> considering the conditions. You might pull up the midrange brightness
> on some of them. You can do that in PhotoShop curves with the rgb
> curve. Just push the middle up. You might also improve some of them
> slightly with an adjustment to the shadow brightness level with the PS
> tool "Shadows/Highlights." I know you didn't focus on composition, but
> next time remember that for most group shots you should frame down.
> Don't leave as much empty space above the heads. But I think these are
> excellent for your purpose, and your friends should be very pleased.
> Paul
> On Apr 11, 2006, at 1:01 AM, Fernando Terrazzino wrote:
> > Last friday I had the chance to do my first indoor available light
> > shooting. The small event was not really a happy one, as this was a
> > farewell lunch for a couple of co-workers that joined the 500
> > employees that were laid-off last week by the Co. I work for.
> > Anyway I tried to capture some shots as a way for them to remember
> > some of us.
> > I tried half of the shots without flash. The light was really dim with
> > light comming from some spotlights. I expected to use ISO 800 but end
> > up using mostly 1600 (even some 3200). Just want to tell you guys what
> > I did and collect some valuable tips if possible (all shots with my
> > *istDS):
> >
> > 1) I used an FA35/2 wide open, which turn to be acceptable sharp in
> > the centre (I mean, given the fact I used it wide open)
> > 2) Manual mode, spot "metered" the subject, adjusted ISO, autofocus,
> > switch to manual focus and then burst-shot sets of 3 frames in a row
> > hoping to use the one in the middle (I don't trust my eyes, the
> > autofocus didn't hunt that much, I switched to manual focus so the
> > camera wouldn't try to autofocus between shots)
> > 3) I shot raw to have more "latitude" in the postprocessing and set
> > white balance to "tungsten" just to have a reference when processing
> > the raw files
> > 4) End-up using mostly  ISO 1600
> > 5) Processed in Capture One usually "pushing" with the exposure
> > compensation dial between +0.65 to +1.15
> > 6) Adjusted contrast, brightness
> > 7) Saved as TIFF 16 bits
> > 8) Used Neat Image (default parametes) to clean up the noise and save
> > as .jpg
> > 9) Added some sharpening in PSP
> >
> > This is an example shot:
> >
> >
> > large size:
> >
> >
> > Any ideas on how could I improve this next time (hopefully a birthday
> > lunch not a farewell one...)?
> >
> > I liked shooting this way as ppl didn't get disturbed and I could
> > capture some interesting face expressions that otherwise would've been
> > impossible to capture.
> >
> > At the end, just in case, I got the obligatory posed shots (forgot the
> > AF360 so didn't turn good) but I'm amazed with the outcome of the
> > cleaned High ISO.
> >
> > Don't mind the composition as I was focused in the technicalities,
> > hopefully next time I'll be more relaxed ;-)
> >
> > The rest of the shots (extra sharpened for the web) are here:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/72057594091422991/
> >

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