On 5/3/07, AlexG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well,
> Got the K100d, FA50mm and DA40mm last week. So far, I've taken about
> 300 pictures. Here are some comments...
> -JPEG quality compared to the DL == No contest. I don't like to
> post-process. The camera's JPEGs are sharper and have very nice,
> punchy colors, which is what I like. No complaints! The result is that
> I can shoot JPEG in any situation now, whereas the DL would only give
> good results in certain conditions in JPEG.

Alex, I have noticed the same with my K10D. Pictures are much sharper
then with my istD, at same settings.
Even the repaired FA70-200, which i think has been panned here, produces well.

> -Shake reduction... AWESOME. Shots as low as 1/15 of a second (with
> 50mm lens) and pretty much a sure bet. I've gotten sharp pics to as
> low as 0.3 seconds, but at that speed it's hit or miss and depends on
> your own hands' stability more than anything else

I tested a 300 at 1/10. Thats about as far as i can go and get usable
results with long lenses and SR

Dave Brooks
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Equine Photography
Ontario Canada

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