----- Original Message ----- 
From: "frank theriault"
Subject: PESO - And We Have a Winner! - and a dilemma

> First the photo:
> http://tinyurl.com/2nvdh3
> http://bp2.blogger.com/_EaTEtfR4WJw/RzG94gS56dI/AAAAAAAAA8M/K408ofTTREE/s1600-h/nov_7+002.jpg
> The woman was playing one of those scratch and win lotto cards, and
> apparently won...
> Now the dilemma:
> I'm dead tired last night, doing a bit of processing in PS.  I'm done,
> and I'm closing up the computer to get ready for bed. I'm not really
> done with this photo, as I'm not quite satisfied as is.  I hit "save",
> the computer asks if I want to save the changes to the photo, I say
> "yes", close PS, shut off the computer.
> I realize that I no longer have the original, as it's now been
> replaced by the "saved version".  This is the version you see here.
> Now I'm kind of stuck with this resized version of a very grainy
> poorly cropped photo.  I tried cropping it, but the loss of detail is
> more than even I could stand.
> So, what I want to know is:  is there any way of retrieving the
> original photo, as it was out of the camera?  Or did I completely
> pooch myself by hitting "save", instead of "save as" (in which I'd
> have created a new file, rather than replacing the original)?
> Aaaach!
> Thanks for comments wrt the photo, and suggestions (if any) as to the 
> dilemma.

You could try one of the photo rescue programs on the card. The original 
file will still be there unless you have over written it already.

William Robb 

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