Sad. How long did you notice, and how - if I may ask?

My major problem was re-use in other formats and eternal use. One local cachaça brand used the very same photo for more than 6 years. Of course they got so offended with my contacts they never asked for another photo... just to put me in in my place, ungrateful youngster that should be grateful because my photo was being exposed all over the city... I should even pay them for the opportunity.


William Robb escreveu:
----- Original Message ----- From: "David J Brooks"
Subject: Re: People Scanning Our Prints

I'd be irked.

However, this is the kind of thing i go through.:

Look close at the two pictures on this one.

I have emailed them but no response yet. They did buy two prints from
me last December, not these, but its still gives them no right to do

This is were is lose major sales.

Do we have the protection of the DMCA in Canada? If so, you can send a takedown notice to his ISP and they have to take it down.

William Robb

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