----- Original Message ----- From: "P. J. Alling" Subject: Re: UK: Photographer films his own 'anti-terror' arrest, February 2010

Just after 9/11 I was out at 2:AM shooting some fisheye night shots. I'm standing on a deserted street corner across the street from the local Post Office, camera on tripod dog sitting patiently nearby, (damn it's been a long time since I've had a /patient/ dog), when a police cruiser rolls by. I continue setting up for the shot and I see him turn around at the end the main drag, as it were, and come rolling back. He stops, rolls down his window, and asks; "Taking some pictures?" My response; "Yes, I am." His response; "Have fun!" and rolls off. Now any fool could see I was taking a picture. The point is, that, that was the extent of my hassle with the police. I didn't know the officer, he didn't know me, but nothing I was doing was suspicious except for the time of night.

That's pretty much how things should be handled.

William Robb

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