On 2/27/2010 3:07 PM, Ralf R. Radermacher wrote:
Rob Studdert<distudio.p...@gmail.com>  wrote:


Sneaky photographers...
Actually, that guy's been rather lucky. I've been stopped by the French
police in Dunkirk, last xmas, taking one of my usual nighttime photos of
the steel mill over there.

Their line of argument? There are half a dozen Seveso class plants, i.e.
they're working with toxic substances, so I can't photograph them. I was
about to ask them what would make it any more dangerous to take photos
in comparison to walking a dog, speeding along on a quad or fishing
which is what dozens of people were doing there at the same time.

I bit my tongue instead because one doesn't argue with the French
police. They can take you to the station and keep you there for days on
end without having to inform anyone, not even a judge or a prosecutor. I
simply packed everything back into the car while they spent half an hour
on their phones and radios with my ID card, inside their vehicle.

Oh, and they were extremely suspicious about me speaking French although
my car had German number plates. I told them that foreign languages can
be learned with a little effort. They didn't seem to like this concept.
Note to self: French officials will in the future have to deal with me
in German. That sure will be fun.

I always thought the French treated you better if you at least made an attempt at speaking French, live and learn.

Now, for our coming Easter holidays I'll either obtain an official photo
permit from the Dunkirk port authority that I can wave in their faces or
that'll be it as far as my 30 years of travelling to France are
concerned. Pity, really.


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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