On May 18, 2012, at 8:59 PM, John Sessoms wrote:

> If you were going to be restricted to 1 bag max wt 30 lbs, what would you 
> carry as a minimum photographic kit?
> The 30 lbs has to include all clothing & other necessities.
> The stuff in my pockets doesn't count towards the weight limit, nor does the 
> clothing I'm wearing.
 Not enough info John. So I'll give two option-sets based on two sets of 
assumptions, two out of what is obviously a very large universe of possible 

1. Assume you will be traveling on safari to a place with no internet access, 
you'll be there for 10 days, with several shooting sessions per day. Sporadic 
electricity. So, a) longer lens is better: 60-250. b) lots of storage space 
needed, no chance of uploading to the Cloud: many megabytes of SD cards plus a 
netbook, tablet, or other small light mechanism that will allow you to 
download/backup your images. c) Spare batteries plus charger. If possible given 
weight and volume, add 77mm and 21mm lenses. And of course one body - K5 or K7 
or whatever you have.

2. Assume you'll be traveling to Rome or London or other significant metro 
region. One spare battery at most plus charger, a smaller handful of SD cards, 
storage you can download to, something that will give you net access to upload 
your images. One body, three lenses: 21mm, 55mm, and 77mm. (I had many more 
than these on my last vacation trip - to Rome in 2009 - but the 21mm and 55mm 
accounted for the vast majority of my photos.)

For portable storage/backup, to which you can download without a computer, I 
have been pleased with the HyperDrive (3 generations now.) Built-in 
rechargeable battery. You can buy the case (including its logic board, power 
source etc.) and finish it out with your own 2.5 inch drive.

Take a monopod and use it as a cane or walking stick while in or near the 
airline terminals - that shouldn't count against your weight limit.


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