I'd probably say that my absolute minimum kit would be
FA 31/1.8

That would give me a full range of focal lengths, plus a fast standard lens.  

There is good argument to substitute the 16-50/2.8 for the 18-250, because on 
the K-5 you can get by with f/2.8 in most lighting, it's weather sealed, and 
covers the most needed lengths, and maybe a longer zoom, and a small light 50 
for indoors, giving up wide angle for weight.

With the K-5 I'm ambivalent about flash, I can get by with faster glass a lot 
of the time, and speedlights are a PiTA.  You might also be able to find a used 
speedlight there for $20 or so if desperate.

Also, I'd bring my carbon fiber monopod and ball head, which fit in my camera 
bag.  I may bring a tiny tripod that'll use the ball head., not for long 
exposures, but in case I want any pictures with me in them.   Any gear I 
needed, but didn't have, I'd order online, and have it shipped to me there, 
then just ship it home separately.

On May 18, 2012, at 5:59 PM, John Sessoms wrote:

> If you were going to be restricted to 1 bag max wt 30 lbs, what would you 
> carry as a minimum photographic kit?
> The 30 lbs has to include all clothing & other necessities.
> The stuff in my pockets doesn't count towards the weight limit, nor does the 
> clothing I'm wearing.
> -- 
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Larry Colen l...@red4est.com sent from i4est

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