On 30 July 2012 11:21, Daniel J. Matyola <danmaty...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You're probably right that field hockey is a much bigger sport in the
> third world and girl's prep schools.  I was thinking mostly of North
> America, Europe and Russia.

Well obviously a nation needs to be reasonably affluent to support a
sport that is alien to its its climate, which requires artificial
rinks with powerful refrigeration to overcome relatively high ambient
temperatures even in winter.  But you call many of these nations
"third world" at the risk of being labeled a cultural imperialist.

Hockey is massive in the Asian sub-continent, and is strongly
entrenched in Western Europe.  Naturally, ice hockey is more strongly
followed in Northern and Eastern Europe and North America, where the
culture of snow and ice sports is strongest, and barely represented in
Central Africa, Equatorial America and South East Asia where there is
practically no culture of winter at all.  But the people who follow
these sports are equal citizens of the world, and are due absolutely
no more or less consideration or respect because of their homelands'
place in the world or the hue of their flesh.  Shame on anyone who
would think otherwise.

regards, Anthony

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