I had a beautiful Le Crueset omelet pan I got from the PX down at Ft Bragg while I was still on active duty after I got home from Iraq; enameled cast iron with a non-stick coating.

"Someone' used a steel fork on it and ruined the non-stick coating. Le Crueset replaced the damaged pan gratis, but the particular pan I had was no longer manufactured so the new pan is not quite the same.**

I used to be able to flip an omelet with the old pan, but for some reason it doesn't work with the new pan. The omelet won't slide properly, plus the pan is bigger, heavier & not quite the same shape.

It's a great pan, but it's not quite the same. And Le Crueset came through like champions. They didn't have to replace the pan because it was abused, but they did anyway.

As for a griddle, yes there's one available. I can probably get it from the big-box home-improvement store I bought the store from. If not, I'm sure it's available on-line. I just have to look up the model number & order it.

On 3/10/2020 09:32:46, Paul Sorenson wrote:
My go-to utensil for chili, soups, braising and bread is an enameled cast iron dutch oven.  The enameled is the best choice when cooking something acidic.  I did have one that chipped for no explicable reason, but the company (Lodge) replaced it a no charge.  The enameled cast iron is nice but it never achieves the great non-stick qualities of a well seasoned regular cast iron skillet.


On 3/10/2020 2:29 AM, Larry Colen wrote:
On Mar 9, 2020, at 9:52 AM, Paul Sorenson <pentax1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hot damn...another aficionado of cooking with cast iron!!
I love cast iron, but I love enameled cast iron even more.


On 3/9/2020 11:39 AM, John wrote:
It's been a while since I kvetched about how the work is going on my kitchen. I'm almost finished (for man-cave values of finished).

I have a NEW stove. Now I'm "Cookin' with Gas!"


Close-up of the NEW stove. I'm not actually cooking the shrimp here, they're just sitting in a pot of water defrosting before being added to the dish in the Crock Pot.

Very nice!  That burner setup isn’t entirely dissimilar to my old wedgewood, but the middle of my wedgewood has a large griddle surface, can you get one of those for your middle burner of yours? Granted, so far as I know my griddle can’t be reconfigured as just a plain long burner.

But gas & having a completely cook surface makes a wonderful difference. First time in this house I've been able to cook rice where it didn't stick to the pot.

... and the finished product.


Just for fun, here's a song to celebrate the occasion:


Paul Sorenson

Sooner or later "different" scares people.

** The pan I got from the PX was like this one, but enameled cast iron w/non-stick coating instead of stainless steel:


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