On Sep 27, 2006, at 5:53 PM, Jacob Longshore wrote:

A bit like the hermeneutic circle of Heidegger - the structure of meaning, and of Dasein itself, looping back on itself and forming a system (H. 153 of Being and Time). So far as I know, Heidegger never read Peirce, but they seem to be touching on the same thing.

I personally think there's a lot of similarity between Peirce and Heidegger.  However clearly Heidegger's main concern, Being, wasn't Peirce's.  But I think a lot of the things Heidegger says along the way are very much akin to Peirce's despite the tone and focus differences.

However one should probably read Joe's paper on whether Peirce was a phenomenologist.  

Joe focuses primarily on Husserl (who is obviously very Cartesian).  I think Heidegger's transformation of Husserl moves very much in a Peircean direction.  (IMO)  But I know not everyone agrees.

I should add that I recall a quote from Heidegger speaking rather positively of the pragmatists (surprising given his views of America) but I can't seem to find it offhand.

If you are interested and can get past all the polemics, Derrida actually uses Peirce to critique Husserl in _On Grammatology_.  I think it ends up being very Heideggarian as well, although there are differences.  (Derrida moves towards a zig zag hermeneutic rather than a true hermeneutic circle)

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