On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 10:25:57PM -0400, ravi wrote:

> i posted this already, but i will repeat my question: could you explain
> further what you mean by the "web scales to 5b+ documents"? and who are
> the computer scientists who are surprised by this?

I've already explained it, so I won't do so again. I'm not gonna go 'round
and 'round about this, Ravi, since it's not really germane to my question.
I'm starting to regret including any surrounding context.

> there are some interesting questions with respect to scaling and the web
> -- for instance, the issue of scaling individual servers w.r.t
> simultaneous access.

Yes, of course. But that's not what I meant, but I suggest we move this
off-list if you want to talk about it further. Those specific issues aren't
relevant to my real question.

Kendall Clark

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