(I hate this when it happens!)

Well, it fails because the modules are stored in my (local) GUI folder.
Apparently Perl can't correctly resolve multiple instances of the same folder
(in all cases), and so, when I named my modules 'GUI::*', Perl failed. As
everyone, but me apparently, knows, Win32 has a GUI folder, 'Win32::GUI'.

Now I know, I know, the paths are somewhat different and Perl is able to find
Win32::GUI, but it just can't find mine. <sigh>


--- Arthur Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't get the 'Exporter' to work when I 'use Win32::GUI'. Example code
> included below. Any fix? Anything I misunderstand?
> Cygwin Perl v5.8.7
> Win32::GUI  Win32-GUI-1.03 (12 Apr 2006)
> art
> # GUI.pl
> package GUI;
> use GUI::Win;                   # Windows GUI Examples
>   WindowStart();                # Undefined subroutine &GUI::WindowStart
> called
> at GUI.pl line 11.
> # GUI/Win.pm
> package GUI::Win;
> use Win32::GUI;                 # works when commented, fails when not
> use Exporter;                   # Export symbols
> use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
> our @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
> our @EXPORT      = qw(WindowStart);
> our $VERSION     = '1.00.00';
> sub WindowStart {
>   print "ABC\n";
>   return 1;
> } ### WindowStart
> 1;

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